Arunkungumaraj Subramanian


He has a diverse experience on different fields of law.

He has Assisted in Labour matters including drafting and reviewing of court documents and representation before the Labour Tribunal , Under Consumer Protection he had drafted notice of Defective Goods/Deficiency of Service. 

He has a deliberate knowledge in rent and lease issue so he was into Tamil Nadu Lease and Rent control matters, Also on Motor vehicle accidents and assistance with Insurance Claims 

When you worry banking is becoming an issue he come into picture as Banking Ombudsman with representation and documentation 

Issues grow with technology, robbery doesn’t happen on road nowadays it happens through fingertip technology, he handled Cyber crime complaints and representation before the Cyber Crimes Cell.

Issues that we take in hand to solve/ we are Expertise

Contact Info

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Working as a lawyer involves practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems.


+91 98400 57860
EA Chambers – Tower II, 5th Floor, Room No. 546, Express Avenue, Royapettah, Chennai 600014

Practice Areas

Get Qualified Help

Criminal Law Matters

As a Criminal lawyers we represent defendants facing criminal charges in state, federal and appellate courts.

Commercial Litigation

Commercial litigation involves virtually every type of dispute that can arise in the business context.

Alternate Dispute Resolution

Arbitration, much like mediation or negotiation, is an alternate dispute resolution (“ADR”) method.

Constitutional Law

In India, companies pay taxes on their income as per the Income Tax Act, 1961 (IT Act).