“The power of the Lawyer is in the uncertainty of the law.”

- Jeremy Bentham

Practice Areas

Alternate Dispute Resolution

Arbitration, much like mediation or negotiation, is an alternate dispute resolution (“ADR”) method.

Commercial Litigation

Commercial litigation involves virtually every type of dispute that can arise in the business context.

Civil Litigation and Dispute Settlement

Civil Litigation is a process of resolving disputes between parties. Generally, parties use the court process…

Family Law

Family law is a legal practice area that focuses on issues involving family relationships, such as adoption, divorce…

Real Estate and Property

For most people, purchasing a property is the single biggest transaction they will ever make.

Legal Documentation & Registration

A well-drafted document is equivalent to a strong argument and can make or break a case! A legal document…

Consultancy & Liaison Services

We help clients in a number of ways: by creating legal options and by providing guidance in decision-making

Criminal Law Matters

As a Criminal lawyers we represent defendants facing criminal charges in state, federal and appellate courts.

Constitutional Law

In India, companies pay taxes on their income as per the Income Tax Act, 1961 (IT Act). Under the Act…

Company Law & Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code

In law, a company refers to a legal entity formed that has a separate legal identity from its members…

For a Consultation Call +91 98400 57860

Legal advice is the application of abstract principles of law to the concrete facts of the client’s case
in order to advise the client about what they should do next. In many countries, only a properly
licensed lawyer may provide legal advice.