Consultancy & Liaison Services

Consultancy & Liaison Services

Business Law - Practice Area

We help clients in a number of ways: by creating legal options and by providing guidance in decision-making in a commercial context. We business lawyers help corporate, industrial and commercial clients to manage their internal processes, by providing legal advice on contracts that relate to corporate organization, buying and selling companies, preparing and developing commercial contracts, managing and helping to resolving commercial conflicts and technological license deals. 

We are creative and strategic in order to advise their client on how to effectively structure and negotiate a transaction, and to find innovative ways to solve the unique issues in each transaction. We are excellent project managers, since it is our job to supervise and coordinate all of the multidisciplinary efforts that go into advising a client on a transaction, and be able to distill all of the different advice and clearly communicate it to the client in form and substance so the client can make informed decisions on important issues. 

Also, we are great at managing projects, have a vast understanding of corporate law, they are able to understand the details and the bigger picture, exercise great judgment, communicate effectively with the client to ensure everyone is on the same page, understand the goals of the client, and are responsive. 

We deal with several aspects of business law including: 

– Business Finance

– Capitalization and Restructuring

– Partnership laws

– Limited Liability Partnerships and Trusts 

– Legal Compliance 

– Due Diligence 

– Corporate contracts including employment agreements 

– Incorporations and Annual Filings 

– Joint ventures 

– Share purchase agreements and shareholder agreements

For a Free Consultation Call +91 98400 57860

Legal advice is the application of abstract principles of law to the concrete facts of the client’s case in order to advise the client about what they should do next. In many countries, only a properly licensed lawyer may provide legal advice.